Toyguide Update: Saga Legends Wave 1


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with an entry dump covering the first wave of Saga Legends figures.

At this point, you’ve learned all you need to know about these figures and most collectors are in one of three camps: “hate’em”, “love’em” or the ever popular  “meh”. I’ll go on record again saying that I love them and can appreciate them for what they are – an inexpensive alternative play pattern for kids with a bit of nostalgia thrown in for collectors who grew up in a simpler time.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether these figures are worth adding to your collection.

You can also weigh in with your impressions on the figures we add to our toyguide on facebook and in our forums.

Black Series 6″ – How’s it Selling?


By now, we should be able to have a pretty good gauge on how well Hasbro’s new scale of Star Wars figures are moving.  In my neck of the woods, the first wave is starting to dry up, but Luke and Maul aren’t exactly flying off the shelves.

Thoughts?  How’s this line doing so far in your area?  Let us know by sharing your thoughts here or in our forums!

Serving Star Wars Collectors Worldwide