I recently received a wonderful care package from GonkToys showcasing their assortment of high-quality acrylic products for displaying Hasbro/Kenner Star Wars collectibles. Today, I going to give my impressions on their acrylic display case for 6×9 carded figures.
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Product reviews
New Reissue Wave of 3.75″ TVC Figures Hitting Target
“Yak Face” Reviews Yak Face
Return of the Jedi actor Sean Crawford who portrayed Yak Face as well as a Mon Calamari officer send us his review of Hasbro latest iteration of Yak Face / Saelt-Marae
The Last Jedi: Spoiler Discussions Continue
After a lot of discussions on the latest Star Wars film both here and in our forums, and not being overly happy with the film the first time, I decided to let the dust settle a bit before seeing it again. And now that I have, my opinion on the movie is much better than it was a week ago at this time.
Thoughts? If you’ve seen it more than once, has your opinion changed any after seeing it again? Share your feelings (for better or for worse) on the latest chapter in the saga after the jump!
The Last Jedi: Spoiler Discussion
If you’ve seen The Last Jedi by now, we’d love to hear your thoughts in our forums.
Remember, clicking past this front page opens you up to spoilers – so you have been warned.
3.75″ SpaceWalls In Stock
Give yourself the accessory the kid in you has always wanted!
GTP Toys is excited to announce the new Classic scale SPACEWALL panels for NEW and VINTAGE 3.75″ figures are now IN STOCK!
Simple Rebel Tech Customs
You may not have realized it, but the new 3.75″ TBS Rose figure is actually an awesome army builder by just doing some head swaps and slapping on some different accessories.
I’ve seen some people not being a huge fan of this figure, but I love it. The fact that it’s got such diversity is just a bonus. So, if you happen to see her pegwarming any, keep in mind she’s got fantastic customizing possibilities so you should pick up an extra just for the fun of it (I’ve already got another one in the works, giving the figure a whole new look).
New Diorama Bits
Have you checked out Holeinthegroundpro lately? The amount of awesome diorama building pieces that are available now is getting to be extremely impressive.
Head on over and check out what you can order to make some fantastic movie scenes with your figures by clicking on the image above.
Have suggestions for other products to be made? Be sure to post your ideas in our forums!
3.75″ Diorama Heaven
If you placed a 3.75″ space walls order with GTP-Toys, then be on the lookout as these are starting to show up on doorsteps this weekend!
The quality is amazing… and the drought of waiting for over TWO DECADES for something like this for our Star Wars action figures is finally over!
Head on over to the forums to check out a few pics I snapped with my phone today after putting together a quick setup, by clicking here!
Great 3.75″ Playset News!
The 20+ year drought for professionally made 3.75″ dioramas / playsets for our collections if finally coming to an end! GTP-Toys has approved their first production run of 3.75″ diorama walls – if you placed an order, keep an eye on your inbox over the coming weeks.
Not only that, but they also passed details along to us about some cool new 6″ product walls that are also going to be available soon. For all the new details we’ve received (including some cool production images), click here!
After that, head on over to their website to secure your order at Galactictradingpost.com!